Monday, April 17, 2006

So you're probably going to jail.

First off, let me just say that I updated a few little things here and there on the site itself. So feel free to poke around.

Now, on to the real topic at hand. I really haven't been paying attention to this lately but it just so happened to catch my eye. The Duke Lacrosse Rape case. I'm fairly sure they are going to be sending some young boys to jail for this one. Seems they cornered this girl in a bathroom and one thing led to another...

wham, gang bang. Unfortunately it was without her concent.

(keep in mind while you read this next section that it does not have anything to do with rape)
Now I can relate to this because I have seen "group mentality" be it in the military or viewing certain members of sports teams at my school. The military is real bad because we have guns, rockets and other things that go boom. All it takes is a simple trigger pull or other motion to set off pure pandemonium. Thats fear driven group mentaility, its OK sometimes, but it must be controlled.
NOW, the real problem is with the "cocky" group mentality as I will dub it. In the army I got in a few tiffs because we thought we were better than someone else or vice versa. At school, I've got in some "you military guys aren't shit" fights and those words tend to be their last. But, its really bad with sports teams. I know several members of the rugby team/football team/baseball team at my school and mostly they are a good group of guys. HOWEVER some do things because they are on the team and they are the toughest bunch of hard chargin mother fuckers. or whatever.

So with that said, I think I know the skinny on what went down with that Duke Lacrosse team:

-Don't be suprised if more girls come forward, because I think this was not thier first time.
-"Hey dude, lets show this girl a good time"
-"She refused, what should we do?"
-"Fuck her for turning us down"
-"Shes goin in the bathroom"
-"Lets go"

And the rest of it is Duke Lacrosse history.

Lesson to be learned here? Man up and know whats right or you might end up in a shitty situation.


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