Tuesday, March 23, 2010

I'm on my way back to 'the shit', one Army Warrior Task at a time.

Trying to stay motivated over here. It's hard since 1st Army seems to stick it in our collective butts every chance it gets. We've got this thing called a training matrix, and this matrix is everywhere and all around us. It also changes more than a cash register at 7-11. We've been smashing 60 days worth of training into 30 days, like smashing, literally smashing 60 pounds of shit into a 30 pound bag. Well, needless to say, we're covered in poo.

I just packed my rucksack for the big trip out to the make believe FOB, where we have to follow charlie to candy mountain, where, hopefully our kidneys don't get stolen and sold on the black market. On the up side, we've got CQM tomorrow.