Thursday, September 07, 2006

New year, new title, and some new rants.

So I'm changing my title. New school year, new stuff. Let me know what you think of this new look.

So as many of you know, I have officially changed my major to Poli Sci. Yeah, my biggest complaint is that my major is full of conspiracy theorists. I wanted to choke this kid out in class but my professor assured me that it would result in loss of class participation points. He thinks that the government is being run by corporations which, in some case in the abstract, that probably is somewhat true. Government is business and business is money and money is what makes the world go round so you really can't get away from it. We're now going to refer to my friend in class as "Ivan" because of his heathen communist ideals. I'm sure I'll be writing about Ivan more this semester.


Blogger Bucky said...

Heh, I know how you feel. It seems comunism is a popular ideology in most colleges, despite the fact history has shown us it can never work properly. Conspiracy theorists bother me some of the time. It's like they dont find the world excting enough and they need to believe their own lies about how things really happened...

3:58 AM  

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